What is there to say about Foodie vs. Food? It's fairly self explanatory: it's a blog written by a girl who is trying to lose weight. Simple enough, except this girl LOVES FOOD. And she's a singer. It's been scientifically proven that singers eat more than anyone else. Just enter a music conservatory with a large pizza and a dozen cupcakes. The vocalists will be on you before anyone else, and your food will be gone. Go on, try it. (Please feed us. We're broke.)
This blog contains my rants about bad health foods, my adventures in cooking, how often I manage to get to the gym, as well as grumblings about being a graduate student studying opera, comments on books I like, TV shows, whatever's on my mind that day. And it is a safe bet that food is somewhere on my mind.
So please enjoy! Leave a comment! If you like the blog and get something about of it, tell your friends! If you hate it, punish your enemies by sending it to them! Everybody wins.
Quick disclaimer (since I saw this on another blog and it sounded like a grand idea): I am not a weight loss expert. I'm just a woman on Weight Watchers. If you glean something from my ramblings that helps you, fantastic, but I am not an expert/nutritionist/personal trainer in any way, shape, or form. Follow any of my suggestions at your own foolish, foolish risk.