Why I'm drinking

So the promised posts are not here, but you know what? I don't care. Since returning to California (and a little before) my life has become an absolute hellstorm of crap. I have crap blowing at me from all directions, mostly from hell itself. Hellstorm. Of crap. Yes. That's what we have.

I'm still unemployed. I've given up hope of finding any damn employment before the school year starts again. Fine.

But the REAL treasure of my life has been my stupid friggin' house. Because I, GENIUS that I am, thought it would be a simple thing to replace 3 housemates in a house with a July lease. NO ONE wants a July lease, apparently. WHY NOT? IT WORKED FOR ME JUST FINE! I got to ship my stuff out early, had a little bit of breathing room before the semester started...fine. Whatever. But the problem is, my house is a HOUSE, not separate rooms. If I don't fill the rooms, I still would need to pay for them. Starting July 1st. It's June 21st right now.

Unfortunately, it's not just me I'm dealing with. Signed on (in way early June, bless) is Viola Girl, who is happy to take the place and do the same thing I did last year. Also, she see the beauty of a house in a safe neighborhood near public tran for perfectly reasonable SF rent. So if the house falls through, I'm not only screwed (which I can deal with) but she's on the street too. On the street in her own town, not moving out here really until August, but on the street all the same. So up until today, it was just me and Viola Girl, and I knew that was all it was going to be. I was going to frantically pack up, my blessed Landlady was going to be super nice and let me store some stuff in the garage for 2 weeks while I slept on my fellow VDA's bunkbed for a few days. Fine. It was settled.

THEN the last hurrah happened. I had 2 people scheduled to look at the house today, the last ditch Hail Mary of prospective room seekers. Guy 1 was a no show. Fine. But Girl loved the place. She thought it was so cute! And she wants to live here! And she's super nice and respectful of bountries and has a job and is clean and is a hairdresser so maybe I can get cheap highlights sometime. Awesome, I say sarcastically.

Because NOW, if I don't find someone TOMORROW (OR TODAY, DEPENDING ON WHEN YOU READ THIS) EVERYONE is screwed. Well, not legally, no one has really signed a lease yet. Credit checks need to be done and leases need to be signed in a week. So basically, if I don't fine ONE DAMN HOUSEMATE today, I'm SOL and so are all of the lovely ladies I'd love to live with. HELL ON ICE. (which is an expression that makes no sense, but I love).

(btw, Guy 1, the previous no show, actually called later and came by around 10, but seemed unimpressed. YOU'RE unimpressed? you're the one that SLEPT through the first meeting. come on time and you'll get the better room. idiot.)

SO the next 24 hours will dictate my life and the lives of 2 other women, both of whom I hardly know but for whom I feel a great affection. I really hope something works out.

....so that's why I'm currently drinking. I hope this post was coherent and enjoyable. I'm about ready to explode.

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